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Monday, May 11, 2009

Ultra Mixer Professional 2

Ultra Mixer Professional 2

UltraMixer Professional v2.2.1

UltraMixer is a DJ mixing software which enables you to mix digital music in various formats such as MP3, WMA, AAC, OGG, WAV or CDs in real time. All you need is a sound card. The DJ's turntables are replaced by two digital SoundPlayers, the "vinyls" are available within seconds through the integrated FileArchive.

No matter whether you want to use UltraMixer for a professional gig or at a private party or as virtual jukebox in restaurants, hair studios or medical surgeries - it will prove the right choice!

UltraMixer is the first DJ software in the world, that is available for the most popular operating systems Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
There are three versions of UltraMixer available: the Free Edition and the Basic Edition for private users and the Professional Edition for high demands and commerical use. All versions are integrated in one program, and can be activated through the appropriate licence keys. This enables the user to switch to a more advanced version without any problems.



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