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Monday, May 11, 2009

Fortop Album Creator

Fortop Album Creator (Portable)

Portable Fortop Album Creator v1.7.80317

Fortop Album Creator is an easy to use software for creating stunning flash digital photo albums. Fortop Album Creator makes it easy to create classy, contemporary, high-end digital photo albums that will house your precious memories in style. In just 3 simple steps and a few short minutes, you can create your own interactive albums with dazzling slideshow effects and background music of your choice.

Loads of professional and brilliant templates.
Vivid and unique dazzling slide transition effects.
Created albums support zooming, EXIF display, keyword search and sub-galleries.
Support background music.
Can extract and save EXIF information created by digital cameras including date, aperture, shutter, ISO, and focus, image rotation, and more.
Photos in published albums are printable.
Easily add your photo albums to any website



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