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Monday, May 11, 2009

Website X5 Designer 5

Website X5 Designer 5

Website X5 Designer 5.0.9

WebSite X5 is a completely visual software: it does not require any HTML programming skills and it is the ideal tool for both home users and Web Designers who want to create and publish high quality websites with a professional look and feel. In comparison with previous versions, WebSite X5 presents new interesting functions for the creation and customization of the site: editing functions for images, 3D buttons creation, intro possibilities, multi-language sites, HTML objects, e-mail sending forms, etc. If you have a project in mind, a personal or company site, a digital photo album or an interactive presentation, WebSite X5 allows you in only 5 steps to pass from a simple idea to a complete and working website, already published and perfectly visible on the Web.



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