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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Bluementals Screensaver Factory 5

Bluementals Screensaver Factory 5

Blumentals Screensaver Factory Enterprise v4.8.0.36

With Screensaver Factory you can create screensavers for yourself, for promotion or unlimited royalty-free commercial distribution. You can make screensavers from any set of images, video and flash animation, adding background music and over 100 smooth picture transition effects. Screensaver Factory is very easy to use, and it enables you to make standalone self-installing screensaver files and CDs for easy setup and distribution.

You can make screensavers for sale using special features for shareware authors - registration keys, trial limitations, customizable nag-screen, readme information file and license agreement. With Screensaver Factory you can start your very own screensaver business right now.

With Screensaver Factory you can:

* Create screensavers from pictures, videos, flash animation and sound files
* Make self-installing screensaver files and CDs for easy distribution More info
* Create time and feature limited trial screensavers
* Make shareware screensavers with nag-screens and registration keys
* Make screensavers for marketing and promotion
* Create multi-language screensavers



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All the softwares,songs,games  provided in this blog are for the promotional purpose only, making CD's from these files is illegal.All the rights are reserved to the owners.We are not responsible for any damage to your system due to these files.Download at your own risk.Blog owner hold no responsibility for any illegal usage of the content.


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