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Monday, May 11, 2009

AI Roboform Enterprise

AI Roboform Enterprise

AI Roboform Enterprise v6.9.93

Roboform is the top-rated Password Manager and Web Form Filler that completely automates password entering and form filling.

RoboForm is a push-button web form filler with some serious Artificial Intelligence (AI) inside. It allows you to define your personal profile or “usual” responses to a web form. This information is then saved, and when you need to fill a form, just click “Fill Forms” button, and form is filled out. Works as an add-on to Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Firefox or Netscape web browsers.
AI RoboForm is fully client-based, so it is very fast, it never disables web site functions, and it works even in pop-up HTML windows. The most important feature of AI RoboForm is high accuracy - it fills 95% of all fields correctly.
RoboForm was named PC Magazine Editor’s Choice, and CNET’s Software of the Year.

RoboForm is the top-rated Password Manager and
Web Form Filler that completely automates password entering and form filling.
RoboForm was named PC Magazine Editor’s Choice, and CNET’s Software of the Year. RoboForm allows you to:
. Manage your passwords and Log In automatically.
. Fill long registration and checkout forms with one click.
. Encrypt your passwords to achieve complete security.
. Generate random passwords to maximize password strength.
. Fight Phishing by entering passwords only on matching web sites.
. Defeat Keyloggers by not using the keyboard to type passwords.
. Back up your passwords and copy them between computers.
. Synchronize passwords between computers using GoodSync.
RoboForm Password Manager is:
. Portable: RoboForm2Go runs from USB key, no install needed.
. Phone-friendly: sync your passwords to Windows Mobile and Palm.
. Universal: works with Internet Explorer, AOL/MSN, Firefox.
. IE 7 and Vista are fully supported.



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