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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Steganos Password Manager 2009

 Steganos Password Manager 2009

The company released an updated version of Steganos product Steganos Password Manager 2009, a unique system of personal password. The program provides the user with all necessary for an orderly centralized storage of all of its own passwords and other identity data. Informations stored in encrypted form the list, access to which is provided when entering the correct password or specific devices (such as a portable USB-drive), acting as a key.

Annex could really generate passwords and warns the user from using easily matched combinations, like “AAA12345″. Users can easily fill out different and authorization take place on the web, “dragging” the needed information in the field using mouse. When setting the right parameters data entry can be automatic. Entries in the list of passwords can also contain additional information, addresses, descriptions and names of contacts.

Among the innovations included in its proposed version, it is worth noting the possibility of storing lists of passwords to “flash” and other portable which allows them to access when working in a foreign computer (away from friends, in an Internet cafe, etc.). Users Steganos Password Manager 2009 also offers improved mechanisms for sorting and filtering passwords. The product supports multiple user profiles.




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