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Thursday, April 23, 2009

CorelDRAW 11 Portable

CorelDRAW 11 Portable

Corel Draw 11 Portable
CorelDRAW is an easy-to-master, exceptionally powerful program with a luxuriant toolset and a lucid interface. Version 11 adds several new illustration tools and better import/export filters. Although CorelDRAW won't set any speed records when handling complex files, its many outstanding features make it the best illustration program in its class.

CorelDRAW 11 is still the best illustration tool we've seen. I also love CorelDRAW's cross-platform support and vast range of import/export filters. The filters let you port files to and from other design programs or image editor programs, including Photoshop, Illustrator and Visio.
CorelDRAW 11 finally supports symbols, so you can save artwork (a symbol) to a central library, then drag and drop it into any document as many times as you want. CorelDRAW remains easy to use for novices and pros alike, thanks to its self-explanatory tools and intuitive, customisable interface. Anyone who can print a Word document can get to grips with CorelDRAW in an hour or two. However, we recommend this program primarily for serious amateur and professional designers. In CorelDRAW 11 Portable you can get that facility without loosing your hard drive space.


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